Design your dry cleaning business

Get advice from the get-go or optimise your established business

We provide a consultancy service for new dry cleaners and existing owners who wish to explore profitable new possibilities in their business. Our company has been advising commercial dry cleaners throughout Australia for more than 20 years. We have seen every type of set-up, and know exactly where you should be investing and saving in your operational costs. We know how to maximise your efficiency, optimise your workflow and ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

Improve your efficiency and customer service

We work with dry cleaners of all sizes across Australia to advise on all things related to your premises, the industry and how the dry cleaning process works. Maybe you’re already established, but are keen to improve your workflow. Perhaps the time has come to upgrade or expand?.

Areas we can help you with include:

  • Workflow
  • Store fit-out
  • Presentation
  • Machinery selection
  • Chemical storage
  • Health & safety
  • Consumer rights & obligations

Avoid rookie errors

If you’re launching a new dry cleaning business, there are certain industry realities you need to be aware of. You may know by now that some people will never claim their clothes. Others will attempt to claim clothes that don’t belong to them. There are many other unexpected factors our consultants can fill you in on so you don’t make expensive mistakes. Like the false economy of purchasing cheap or second-hand machinery. Book a consultation now to start your business on the right foot.

Why a ‘luxury’ business is unlike any other

Dry cleaning is considered a luxury rather than a necessity for most people, which means customers expect perfection in service and presentation. Our consultants can advise you how to go the extra mile while keeping your profit margins healthy.