
The large Spotting Agent assortment (set of 7) allows easy, fast and comprehensive stain removal.

The small Spotting Agent assortment (set of 3) makes pre- and post-spotting easier and is tuned to the respective solvent.

Post-spotting agent for dissolving or bleaching stubborn stain substances on white and colored textiles.

Achieve masterly performances in the stain removal again with the innovative aids from SEITZ:
Ultrasonic Gun & Ultrasonic Booster guarantee optimum success in stain removal.

Seitz Professional Spotting Set

Spotting Agents for professionals 460ml

The spotting agents in the coloured bottles are compatible with each other and can be rinsed out in perchloroethylene in the pre-spotting.
When used in the post-spotting, rinse with water or a steam gun.


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